“Halo 5 Guardians will receive a whole new level of immersion made possible by Halo 5 Forge tools which is available on both Xbox One and PCs. The input allows users for refined object placement, high resolution possibly 4K output, content browser and the ability to host custom matches with 16 players makes it a cool addition to the Halo 5 Guardians,” wrote Microsoft. “With a mouse and keyboard, Halo 5 Forge becomes an extremely powerful map making tool. Microsoft may not face such issues as the Xbox One shares a lot of similarities with the Windows 10 PC. Developers had to work a lot to make those mods compatible with the Playstation 4 architecture.

With the power of a mouse and keyboard, they have complete control over the 3D world that leads to amazing maps. For similar reasons, Fallout 4 and Skyrim developer Bethesda allows players on the console to download content from the PC mod making community. While Xbox One is a decent console, mods and map making is not something one could do on a console. Halo 5 Forge will go live on September 8 th. The first person shooter that made the Xbox console so popular a decade is yet to be announced.

So far, Microsoft has been adamant and confirmed that it is only the map editor tool that is coming. It is the only exclusive that is yet to find its way to a Windows 10 computer. The map editor allows players on PC to create new maps using the tool and upload it for Halo 5 Guardians players on the Xbox One console. They have already announced all Xbox One exclusives will be coming to Windows 10 systems and Halo 5 Forge map editor will arrive this September. Microsoft has been generous of late to PC gamers.